Saturday, February 28, 2009


I forgot to post a pic to remind people of the severity of the situation.....

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

it's a celebration bitches

i make the pizza you bring the wine.

i start the new job tomorrow. yesssssss

Whatcho' know about the dirty south?

I'm headed to New Orleans for a week and tomorrow can't come soon enough. Why? #1 -- I am sick of Portland society right now. #2 -- I need some sunshine on my face. #3 -- I love muffuletta sandwiches and beignets.

Oh, it's also mardi gras. There will be no flashing of my boobs, unless I happen to see Clive Owen walk by. But I would do that even if it wasn't mardi gras.

I like to set goals for myself and I have some for my time in the Big Easy:

eat: only new orleans cuisine.
hear: people speaking cajun & creole french
see: old friends
do: lots of laughing and drinking
perhaps: fall in love with the city and move there?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Okay the Golden Gate Bridge field trip has been canceled. 

I got a job and now I will have money and buy whatever I want whenever I want too.  

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Me, you, we go to party, yes?

Russian Theme Night Equation:

Vodka + caviar + cats = amazing fun time party.

Best Quote of the Day That I Wasn't Actually Present For...

"Masturbation is evil."

-Anonymous Person Tinsel May or May Not Be Dating


"blogging is masturbation"

joe vonappen

A Real Job

I have a job interview tomorrow and if I don't get the job that doesn't even pay that much I will walk to Buffalo Exchange and sell my boots and take a cab directly to the Golden Gate Bridge and jump off. 

Thats a whole lotta ands...


Dance Dance Revolution

This is so neat. My smile grew with every new dance and song. Ely Kim made a video of himself dancing 100 different dances in 100 different locations. Personal favorite: #80. I want to go out dancing now. Thanks to the fader.

BOOMBOX from Ely Kim on Vimeo.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Baking Project of the Week


Pictures and recipe to follow.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sick and Wrong

I went to an amazing show last night and had a few bourbons too many. As such, I'm watching television and contemplating what I will bake today. While watching, Cat 101 (which is awesome), they did a segment on a groomer who takes leftover persian cat hair and makes it into yarn. And she then knits bags and sells them for up to $400.


To counteract this gag-inducing thought, I give you this, a piece by Brian Dettmer. I love his art because his pieces are super complex and beautiful. I just stare at them trying to find a detail I missed the last time I looked at it. I like this one because it's made from an old dictionary and I love dictionary's. One day I will own the OED.


Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Freakin Friday

Pies are easy.

Well I have never made one.

I am making chicken stock then making some amazing soup. I have honestly been looking forward to making stock all week. I got the chicken Tuesday but was too busy to fulfill the prophecy. Clearly being crazy busy I had to disappoint many and stay in but you know soup calls. I looked up four different stock recipes.


This is a chocolate bourbon pecan pie, made by Nicole, aka tantrum. According to all, it was a success.

Baking is one of my most favorite things in the world. It's extremely hard, gratifying and fun all at the same time. I would say that the best part is when your guests get to eat all your hard work, but that's just what you hear in commercials. The best part is getting to eat it yourself. There, I said it! I'm selfish!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Not to be confused with...

Bill Pullman.

I know, they are practically the same person.

Don't forget about Bill

"the most under appreciated actor of our time"
chris crawford


Hello. We are tinsel tantrum. Hopefully we will entertain you.

Tinsel Tantrum, World. World, Tinsel Tantrum.

Here's a start: